Karst wonders in the world -- stone egg raw bamboo shoots
In the demonstration stage of the construction of wanhuayan scenic spot, the evaluation of its value has a clear conclusion: tourism value, exploration value and scientific research value. The beautiful stalactites with different shapes in the cave attract nearly one million tourists every year, which is needless to say in terms of tourism value.
Since the late 1970s, scientific researchers have conducted extensive and in-depth investigation and Research on various geological relics of Wanhua rock, solved many mysteries one by one, and achieved fruitful scientific research results. The scientific research value of Wanhua rock is shining.
在万华岩溶洞内约600米处的河床中有一块巨大的鹅卵石,上面 “生长”着两棵石笋,矮的那棵从侧面看很像一妇人怀抱孩子面向大海远眺,盼望亲人归来,一直以来导游员都以“海岛盼归”为景点名向游客介绍。直到千禧年后中国地质科学院派出科研工作者对万华岩地下河进行专题研究才赫然发现,这是一处非常罕见的、独特的岩溶地质奇观,之前国内相关的科考中从未发现过,国际上也从未见过类似的报道。
There is a huge pebble in the riverbed about 600m away from the Wanhua karst cave There are two stalagmites "growing". The short one looks like a woman embracing a child from the side, overlooking the sea and looking forward to the return of relatives. The tour guide has always introduced to tourists under the name of "looking forward to the return of the island". It was not until the millennium that the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences sent scientific researchers to conduct special research on the wanhuayan underground river that it was impressively found that this is a very rare and unique karst geological spectacle, which has never been found in relevant domestic scientific research and has never been reported in the world.
Many questions came one after another: tens of kilometers around Wanhua rock are limestone. How did granite appear? Where did this highly rounded granite gravel (Pebble) come from? During the investigation, it was found that a large number of large and small granite gravels, some weighing several tons, were accumulated in the riverbed of the whole underground river. What force "carried" them in? Why only this one grows stalagmites?
Scientific researchers began to conduct more in-depth investigation and research. The landform where Wanhua rock is located is karst landform (i.e. karst landform). The original parent rock is limestone, which is formed by chemical precipitation of dissolved substances in the ocean and mechanical deposition of marine organisms and clastic materials. It belongs to sedimentary rock in rock classification, and the main component is calcium carbonate, It was formed in the lower Carboniferous of the late Paleozoic era 350 million years ago. Granite gravels are formed by the heated magma in the deep underground (generally below 3km from the surface) rising under strong pressure, invading the surface, losing heat and condensing. The rocks are classified as magmatic rocks, mainly composed of silica, feldspar and mica. The formation time covers Paleozoic (from 600 million years ago), Mesozoic (from 225 million years ago) and Cenozoic (from 70 million years ago), Each geological age has a long time span. The genesis, formation time and chemical composition of the two rocks are very different. It is obvious that the "ancestral home" of granite gravel is not Wanhua rock!
Scientific researchers then went upstream along the underground river to find clues. After leaving the south entrance, they followed the ancient river path. After efforts, they finally found a large number of exposed collapsed granite blocks more than 20 kilometers southwest of wanhuayan, and finally found the "Hometown" of granite gravel in wanhuayan cave. At this time, the altitude here has increased from about 240 meters of wanhuayan to about 1400 meters, Entered the remaining vein of Qitian mountain in the Wuling mountains.
According to the analysis of geologists, the granite gravels in Wanhua cave are granite blocks in ancient times. Driven by the water flow, they move downstream. In the process of moving, they collide with each other, constantly abrade and lose edges and corners. Under the action of external force, they continuously improve the roundness. Driven by the extremely strong water flow, they keep rolling downstream and finally roll into Wanhua cave (some people infer that the legend of prehistoric flood is true). In the process of crustal movement, the Eurasian plate, Indian plate and Pacific plate squeezed each other, causing the ground in the southwest of wanhuayan to rise and uplift to form high mountains. The replenishable water source gradually decreased, and the flow of groundwater was slow. This "stone egg" lost its driving force Finally, he calmed down and stopped here motionless. This stay was tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years! This is an extremely long period of time. You know, modern people on the earth only appeared 12000 years ago.
During this period, another major geological event occurred in wanhuayan. Because of the crustal movement, the rock stratum at the top of wanhuayan karst cave was staggered and cracked, and the crack basically cracked along the direction of the current karst cave space, and the surface water began to seep in. A wide range of stalactites began to form at that time (about 200000 years ago). More coincidentally, in this "stone egg" There are 2-3 drip points above the. The water drops drop on the "stone egg", and the calcium carbonate begins to deposit on the surface of the "stone egg". First, the "stone egg" is wrapped. The drip point is concentrated, stable and continuous, and the calcium carbonate deposits faster, forming today's two stalagmites over the years.
This is also a very long process. You can think about it: "national treasure" The growth rate of underwater crystal cone is 1cm / 100 years. The stalagmite should be a little faster under the condition of continuous dripping. About 1cm / 80 years, the stalagmite is about 300cm high, and the stalagmite is at least 20000 years old! And what kind of coincidence does it take to skillfully combine two rocks with completely different textures? Someone said: it's really a thousand years! I want to say: This is a vice president In fact, once in a million years! It is precisely because so many harsh conditions are needed to form today's "stone eggs and bamboo shoots". CCTV's science and education column "geography China" produced a feature film to broadcast and carry out science popularization publicity and education.
At present, the "stone egg raw bamboo shoot" is still under continuous research, and no final conclusion has been reached on many problems, such as granite gravel (stone egg) The exact time when the parent rock was formed, when it began to stay here, the exact time when the stalagmite began to form, the time when the drip point appeared, etc. This requires the internal sampling and analysis of the rock and the determination of carbon 14 method. The chemical analysis of stalactite samples can restore the changes of climate, hydrology, atmosphere and geology in a large area of Wuling mountains during each period of stalagmite growth A deeper understanding of the regional environment in ancient times is of great guiding significance to the future development and survival of mankind.